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3782 Visninger •Checkline II maintenance manual
4690 Visninger •Chemsplash Pro WD40 Test
4282 Visninger •Ergonomi 2006
4674 Visninger •Ose_directory Suspension harness
4083 Visninger •Procurement Guide annonce Health and Safety International - Europe's magazine for employee protection and personal protective equipment
5064 Visninger •Demonstration af velcro strop til montering/påsætning af gasdetektor på faldsikringssele
4850 Visninger •VISOR Installation steps
5103 Visninger •Desinfektionsprodukter med effekt på Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
4265 Visninger •Hearing protection 3M
3704 Visninger •Statistik for arbejdsmiljø 2014
4366 Visninger •LOTO_GuideBook_Europe_English
4491 Visninger •Remote area lighting system
3212 Visninger •Isol8 - The Ultimate Absorbent for Spills
3218 Visninger •Magazine Arbejdsmiljø - november 2012
3589 Visninger •KEE_DOME_MINI
3534 Visninger •TDS Speedglas 9100
3755 Visninger •The Pocketbook of Lean Visuals
3785 Visninger •Instructional video Sign holder
3033 Visninger •PREMARK installation manual
3974 Visninger •D-S CSR Håndbog
20069 Visninger •Find handskestørrelse - størrelsesguide for handsker
13031 Visninger •Quick guide 3M PELTOR WS ProTac XPI_advanced (1)
9401 Visninger •3M jupiter manual
8634 Visninger •83735-00000A Safety Data Sheet
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7784 Visninger •9100 Manual
7505 Visninger •Forklaring af den nye EN ISO 374 kemikalier norm
6729 Visninger •LA600 UI A3 26 LANGUAGES 22 08 2019 598
6605 Visninger •EN 388 nye mærkninger forklaring
6559 Visninger •Faldsikring flyer
6528 Visninger •Hvordan du kalibrere en 3M Jupiter luftstrøms enhed
6114 Visninger •3M TR 300 PAPR training video
5923 Visninger •TR-300 Bruger manual
5490 Visninger •Cyanide GuardianChemicalReport
5394 Visninger •Guide til valg af åndedrætsværn
5154 Visninger •VARMEX 2000 Fordele
5118 Visninger •VISOR Installation steps
5103 Visninger •Procurement Guide annonce Health and Safety International - Europe's magazine for employee protection and personal protective equipment
5064 Visninger •3M Filterguide_DK
4877 Visninger •Avatar Blue Blocker_Single_Page_PDF_v2.indd
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1. TURN OFF BLUE LIGHT HAZARDS WITH THE AVATAR BLUE BLOCKER Help mitigate the risks of exposure to blue light with the Avatar Blue Blocker safety eyewear Eyesight is a precious gift that needs adequate protection on and off the job. Our diverse safety eyewear offering has glasses that are specially designed to protect against the specific risks of your industry. A good example is the Avatar Blue Blocker which helps to mitigate hazards presented by exposure to blue light, especially tackling blue light coming from LED light bulbs or LED overhead lighting. HEALTH ISSUES LINKED TO BLUE LIGHT EXPOSURE HOW DOES THE AVATAR BLUE BLOCKER HELP Eye fatigue In the long run this can potentially lead to more severehealth issues. Macular degeneration Blue light causes overproduction of a protein substance that could result in loss of vision. Insomnia Prolonged exposure to blue light at night can disrupt the circadian rhythm. Increased risk of depression Research done by Harvard University concludedthat extended exposure to blue light could increasechances of depression • The new Avatar Blue Light safety glasses filter blue light without impacting the visible light range. • They offer 54±3% absorption of high energy blue light from 380nm – 450nm, while maintaining a VLT (visible light transmission) of 88% on average. • In addition, their lenses provide 99.9% protection from UV light. 1034840-BB Honeywell AVATAR BLK /BLU BLUE BLOCKER HS Blue Blocker HydroShield HON 166F 2C-1.2 HON 1FKN • HydroShield Anti-Fog Coating for superior anti-fog and anti-scratch coating in and outside the lenses • Ideal to combine with other types of PPE • Indirect Venting System for strengthened anti-fog protection • Soft Brow Frame – MMT+ • Wire core temples – compatible with hearing protection, respiratory protection or helmets • Lightweight and stylish design • Great comfort and optimal fit PLUS, YOU BENEFIT FROM: For more information HONEYWELL SAFETY PRODUCTS UNITED KINGDOM Honeywell Safety Products UK LTD Edison Road Basingstoke RG21 6QD Phone: +44 (0) 1256 693 200 Fax: +44 (0) 1256 693 300 Email: HONEYWELL SAFETY PRODUCTS NORDICS Honeywell Safety Products Nordic AB Strandbadsvägen 15 SE-252 29 Helsingborg – Sverige Phone: +46 (0) 424480433 Email: HONEYWELL SAFETY PRODUCTS BENELUX Honeywell Safety Products Benelux BV Lange Amerikaweg 55 7332 BP Apeldoorn, Nederland Tel: +31 (0) 20 5656 988 Email: HydroShield Anti-Fog Coating for superior Anti fog and Anti scratch coating Hydrophobic Action Water droplets form and are repelled to the sides of the lens Hydrophilic Action Moisture is absorbed by the lens
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