Ose_directory e-shot
3490 Visninger •Checkline II maintenance manual
4313 Visninger •Chemsplash Pro WD40 Test
4000 Visninger •Ergonomi 2006
4265 Visninger •Ose_directory Suspension harness
3753 Visninger •Procurement Guide annonce Health and Safety International - Europe's magazine for employee protection and personal protective equipment
4575 Visninger •Demonstration af velcro strop til montering/påsætning af gasdetektor på faldsikringssele
4482 Visninger •VISOR Installation steps
4783 Visninger •Desinfektionsprodukter med effekt på Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
3906 Visninger •Hearing protection 3M
3389 Visninger •Statistik for arbejdsmiljø 2014
4017 Visninger •LOTO_GuideBook_Europe_English
4142 Visninger •Remote area lighting system
2950 Visninger •Isol8 - The Ultimate Absorbent for Spills
2938 Visninger •Magazine Arbejdsmiljø - november 2012
3270 Visninger •KEE_DOME_MINI
3185 Visninger •TDS Speedglas 9100
3422 Visninger •The Pocketbook of Lean Visuals
3416 Visninger •Instructional video Sign holder
2684 Visninger •PREMARK installation manual
3487 Visninger •D-S CSR Håndbog
19481 Visninger •Find handskestørrelse - størrelsesguide for handsker
12481 Visninger •83735-00000A Safety Data Sheet
8062 Visninger •3M jupiter manual
7993 Visninger •Quick guide 3M PELTOR WS ProTac XPI_advanced (1)
7447 Visninger •9100 Manual
7004 Visninger •D-S 70 års om os brochure
6968 Visninger •LA600 UI A3 26 LANGUAGES 22 08 2019 598
6263 Visninger •Forklaring af den nye EN ISO 374 kemikalier norm
6262 Visninger •EN 388 nye mærkninger forklaring
6194 Visninger •Faldsikring flyer
6071 Visninger •Hvordan du kalibrere en 3M Jupiter luftstrøms enhed
5798 Visninger •3M TR 300 PAPR training video
5329 Visninger •TR-300 Bruger manual
4963 Visninger •Cyanide GuardianChemicalReport
4927 Visninger •VISOR Installation steps
4783 Visninger •Guide til valg af åndedrætsværn
4750 Visninger •VARMEX 2000 Fordele
4743 Visninger •Procurement Guide annonce Health and Safety International - Europe's magazine for employee protection and personal protective equipment
4575 Visninger •Demonstration af velcro strop til montering/påsætning af gasdetektor på faldsikringssele
4482 Visninger •Conformity 20.1755_2-A_GB
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1. This certificate includes one page. No duplicate will be issued . -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------- This type of equipment is not a Personal Protective Equipment against falls from height, the present certificate of conformit y is not an EU type examination certificate delivered by the notified body APAVE . This certificate cancels and replaces the one edited the 25/01/2021 under the same number APAVE SUDEUROPE SAS Siège social : 8 rue Jean - Jacques Vernazza - Z.A.C. Saumaty - Séon - CS 60193 - 13322 MARSEILLE CEDEX 16 Tél. : 04 96 15 22 60 - Fax : 04 96 15 22 61 - Site Internet : Société par Actions Simplifiée au Capital de 6 648 544 € - N° SIREN : 518 720 925 CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE N° 20.1755_2 /A 1. Applicant Applicant: M r . Jean - Charles IANZ Manufacturer: TRACTEL SAS – RD619 - BP38 Saint - Hilaire - Sous - Romilly - 10102 ROMILLY - SUR - SEINE - France 2. Equipment Type of equipment : T ype A A nchor device – EN 795:20 12 and Technical Specification CEN/TS 16415:2013 Trademark : TRACTEL Model : Embase en applique Reference: 210118 3. Description Anchor device type A, in S235 and S355 steel, made of a connector board, dimensions 230mm x 230mm and a sheath, intern diameter 120mm, including two assembly plates with one with 2 anchor points. Base with wall fixing. Equipment also assessed according to the requirement of Technical Specification CEN/TS 16415:2013, for use by 2 people at 150kg without exceed ing 1 people by anchor point for a total weight of 300kg (detailed in the conformity report n° 20.1755 ). 4. Technical referential The assessment of conformity was conducted taking into account the provisions of: - European standard EN 795:2012 "Personal fall protec tion equipment - Anchor devices ". - Technical Specification CEN/TS 16415:2013 “Personal fall protection equipment - Anc hor devices - Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously” . 5. Condition s for use This anchor device - type A - is not considered as Personal Protective Equipment but it is intended be used as part , together with other components, of a personal fall protection system in accordance with standard EN363. It is intended to be removable from the structure and to be part of the anchor . 6. Conclusion The type A anchor device , trade mark " TRACTEL ", model “ Embase en applique ” complies with the provisions of European standard EN 795:2012 and of the technical specification TS 16415 of January 2013 for use by 2 people . 19/08/2022 The technical assessment manager Centre d’Essais de Fontaine 17, Bd Paul Langevin 38600 FONTAINE - France Tél. +33.(0)
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