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1. Heavy-duty chemical- resistant gloves, offering both mechanical and chemical protection Advanced protection: Made from 1.2 mm/47 mil thick natural rubber latex, AlphaTec 87-104 chemical protection gloves ensure high resistance to water-based chemicals, as well as protection against mechanical hazards Extended length: Their 43cm/17" length makes for greater protective coverage than standard alternatives Simplified use: A beaded cuff makes these safety gloves particularly easy to don, simplifying everyday wear Improved flexibility and durability: Their unique formulation imparts high levels of flexibility and elasticity, preventing potential tears Increased cleanliness: These AlphaTec gloves also undergo a chlorination treatment to cleanse and harden their outer surface 87-104 Heavyweight chemical protection natural rubber glove Previously known as: EMPERORTM A005 Industries Agriculture Construction Janitorial / Sanitation Maintenance Chemical Applications Agriculture Chemical processing and preparation Janitorial use Construction Maintenance Heavy duty handling: where sensitivity is also required Maintenance of plant and heavy equipment ® ® WWW.ANSELL.COM
2. Key Features 1.2 mm/47 mil thick natural rubber: Resistance to water-based chemicals Beaded cuff: For protective gloves that are easy to don and doff Chlorinated surface: Enhanced durability and cleanliness 3121B AKLMPT 87-104 Heavyweight chemical protection natural rubber glove Previously known as: EMPERORTM A005 Performance Standards Specifications BRAND | STYLE DESCRIPTION SIZE LENGTH COLOR PACKAGE AlphaTec 87-104 Natural Latex Rubber, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5 432 / 17 Black 1 pair in a bag; 12 bags in a carton ® Europe, Middle East & Africa Region Ansell Healthcare Europe NV Riverside Business Park Blvd International, 55 1070 Brussels, Belgium T: +32 (0) 2 528 74 00 F: +32 (0) 2 528 74 01 North America Region Ansell Healthcare Products LLC 111 Wood Avenue South, Suite 210 Iselin, NJ 08830, USA T: +1 800 800 0444 F: +1 800 800 0445 Latin America & Caribbean Region Ansell Commercial Mexico S.A. de C.V. Blvd. Bernardo Quintana No. 7001-C, Q7001 Torre II. Suites 1304, 1305 y 1306. Col. Centro Sur, c.p. 76079 Queretaro, Qro. Mexico T: +52 442 248 1544 / 248 3133 Canada Ansell Canada Inc. 105, rue Lauder Cowansville (Québec) J2K 2K8, Canada T: 1 800 363-8340 F: 1 888 267-3551 Ansell, and ™ are trademarks owned by Ansell Limited or one of its affiliates. US Patented and US and non-US Patents Pending: © 2021 Ansell Limited. All Rights Reserved. Neither this document nor any other statement made herein by or on behalf of Ansell should be construed as a warranty of merchantability or that any Ansell product is fit for a particular purpose. Ansell assumes no responsibility for the suitability or adequacy of an end user's selection of gloves for a specific application. ®
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