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4836 Visninger •Datasheet.Leachs_Universal-Scaffold-Stair
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2. TECHNICAL Data Sheet - Temporary Access Universal Scaffold Stair ISSUE DATE PAGE 2 of 2 Aug 18 02 Dimensions Product Steps Weight Universal Stair Handrail Set - 1.0m 4 7.2 Universal Stair Handrail Set - 1.5m 6 7.8 Universal Stair Handrail Set - 2.0m 9 9.5 Universal Stair Handrail Set - 2.5m 12 13.9 Universal Stair Handrail Set - 3.0m 15 15.7 Product Steps Lift Height (h) Footprint (d) Weight Min. lift Max. lift Min. lift Max. lift 1.0m Universal Stair Unit inc. Handrail Sockets 4 732 1001 994 1228 25.5 1.5m Universal Stair Unit inc. Handrail Sockets 6 1030 1493 1713 1354 32.8 2.0m Universal Stair Unit inc. Handrail Sockets 9 1477 2106 2442 1894 43.6 2.5m Universal Stair Unit inc. Handrail Sockets 12 1925 2769 3162 2423 67.8 Footprint depth (d) Lift height (h) 630mm 770mm 854mm All units have a clear tread width of 630mm and an overall width of 854mm including handrail sockets. Units without handrail sockets are 770mm wide. 3.0m Universal Stair Unit inc. Handrail Sockets 15 2372 3431 3899 2976 76.3 01432 346800 | |
1. TECHNICAL Data Sheet - Temporary Access Universal Scaffold Stair ISSUE DATE PAGE 1 of 2 Aug 18 02 Technical Information STANDARD VERSIONS STAIR ANGLE TREAD WIDTH TREAD DEPTH TREAD LOADING TREAD MATERIAL STRINGERS HANDRAILS TOP BRACKETS BS EN 12811 There are 5 standard versions available: 4 tread (1.0m), 6 tread (1.5m), 9 tread (2.0m), 12 tread (2.5m) & 15 tread (3.0m) Variable from 31.6 O to 50.8 O 630mm clear internal width 205mm overall 200kg UDL Extruded aluminium slip-resistant planks 48mm dia. extruded aluminium tube Quick-fitting aluminium handrails Scaffold tube connection (standard), Low rise scaffold tube conne ction, Flat slab connection. As standard, Universal Stair units are supplied with handrail s ockets and scaffold tube connection brackets that are designed for boards set on top of transverse rails. To give users maximum flexibility, the Universal Stair Units can also be supplied: • Without handrail sockets to allow tube and fitting guardrails • With alternative hooks designed for various board types and slabs If either of these options is required - please specify at the time of ordering. 01432 346800 | |
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