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1. SKIPPER TM LIMITED 12 Wolfe Close, Parkgate Industrial Estate, Knutsford, Cheshire. WA16 8XJ DATA SHEET Rechargeable safety light Product code: Light01 This safety light is a multifunctional, LED system that attaches to Skipper and Skipper XS units. It’s ideal for traffic control, airports, petrochemicals and many other industries. The unit has a light sensor for automatic activation/deactivation, or can be set to full manual control. The bright LEDs can be switched between a flashing or permanent setting, and the unit has an integrated rechargeable battery compartment which is powered by a standard adapter. Conforms to BS3143 part 2 1990. Product Specifications Key selling points • Environmentally friendly • Can be used with both the Skipper and Skipper XS units by replacing the top cap (instructions included) Q. How long does the light work until it runs out of charge? A. This depends on the quality and type of the batteries used. We recommend using lithium based batteries. The average output for the light is 25 hours on the permanent setting, and 57 hours on the flash setting. The performance of the light unit will be greatly affected by temperature (because of the effect temperature has on battery life). In average, outdoor conditions, the charge will last much longer than the times stated above. Overview Product FAQs Key features • Includes light sensor for automatic activation in low light (can be turned off) • Permanent or flashing facility with US, European and UK rates of flash • Includes battery charging compartment The safety light twists on top of the Skipper or Skipper XS unit. Width: 140mm Height: 122mm 5.5” 4.8” Depth: 140mm Weight: 360g 5.5” 12.7oz
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