Ose_directory e-shot
3769 Visninger •Checkline II maintenance manual
4675 Visninger •Chemsplash Pro WD40 Test
4264 Visninger •Ergonomi 2006
4650 Visninger •Ose_directory Suspension harness
4068 Visninger •Procurement Guide annonce Health and Safety International - Europe's magazine for employee protection and personal protective equipment
5039 Visninger •Demonstration af velcro strop til montering/påsætning af gasdetektor på faldsikringssele
4830 Visninger •VISOR Installation steps
5088 Visninger •Desinfektionsprodukter med effekt på Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
4245 Visninger •Hearing protection 3M
3680 Visninger •Statistik for arbejdsmiljø 2014
4341 Visninger •LOTO_GuideBook_Europe_English
4478 Visninger •Remote area lighting system
3195 Visninger •Isol8 - The Ultimate Absorbent for Spills
3204 Visninger •Magazine Arbejdsmiljø - november 2012
3571 Visninger •KEE_DOME_MINI
3516 Visninger •TDS Speedglas 9100
3739 Visninger •The Pocketbook of Lean Visuals
3762 Visninger •Instructional video Sign holder
3015 Visninger •PREMARK installation manual
3943 Visninger •D-S CSR Håndbog
20034 Visninger •Find handskestørrelse - størrelsesguide for handsker
13006 Visninger •Quick guide 3M PELTOR WS ProTac XPI_advanced (1)
9285 Visninger •3M jupiter manual
8613 Visninger •83735-00000A Safety Data Sheet
8378 Visninger •D-S 70 års om os brochure
7745 Visninger •9100 Manual
7468 Visninger •Forklaring af den nye EN ISO 374 kemikalier norm
6708 Visninger •LA600 UI A3 26 LANGUAGES 22 08 2019 598
6587 Visninger •EN 388 nye mærkninger forklaring
6535 Visninger •Faldsikring flyer
6509 Visninger •Hvordan du kalibrere en 3M Jupiter luftstrøms enhed
6098 Visninger •3M TR 300 PAPR training video
5899 Visninger •TR-300 Bruger manual
5461 Visninger •Cyanide GuardianChemicalReport
5368 Visninger •Guide til valg af åndedrætsværn
5131 Visninger •VARMEX 2000 Fordele
5102 Visninger •VISOR Installation steps
5088 Visninger •Procurement Guide annonce Health and Safety International - Europe's magazine for employee protection and personal protective equipment
5039 Visninger •3M Filterguide_DK
4834 Visninger •TDS Product sheet MODULOS3MT
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1. Medium M O D U L O S 3 S M I D T L S MODULOS3MT S u p e r c o m f o r t a b l e v e g a n s a f e t y m i d c u t s n e a k e r w i t h T L S closing Comfort that lasts. MODULO is the ultimate choice for both men a n d w o m e n w h o d e m a n d e x c e l l e n c e f r o m t h e i r s a f e t y f o o t w e a r . T h i s s a f e t y s h o e o f f e r s a n a r r a y o f k e y f e a t u r e s , s u c h a s s l i p resistance, a breathable design, comfortable footbed, ESD, lightweight midsole and toe cap & much more. Made from vegan materials. Upper Microfiber Lining Mesh Footbed SJ foam footbed Midsole A n t i - p u n c t u r e T e x t i l e Outsole BASF PU/BASF PU T o e c a p Nano Carbon Category S3S / SR, SC, ESD, CI, FO Size range EU 35-48 / UK 3.0-13.0 / US 3.0-13.5 JPN 21.5-31.5 / KOR 230-315 Sample weight 0.500 kg Norms ASTM F2413:2018 EN ISO 20345:2022 IS 15298 (Part 2): 2016 BLK P u n c t u r e r e s i s t a n t l i g h t w e i g h t Metal free, super flexible and ultralight puncture resistant midsole. Covers 100% of the bottom area of the last, no t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y . Scu Cap (SC) Separately tested material to cover the toe cap area to reduce abrasion of the upper material (e.g. during kneeling operations) and extend usability of the safety shoe. S l i p r e s i s t a n c e ( S R ) Replaces the previously used term of SRA+SRB=SRC. SR means the slip test has been executed on tiles contaminated with soap and with oil. V e g a n Uses or contains no animal products. T L S ( T w i s t L o c k S y s t e m ) S a f e t y J o g g e r ’ s i n n o v a t i v e T L S closure allows you to quickly tighten and loosen your safety footwear with one hand and under any conditions, even when you are wearing safety gloves. TLS ensures a fast, safe and e a s y p r e c i s i o n f i t t h a t o f f e r s enhanced comfort and enables you to perform at your best. M e t a l f r e e Metal free safety shoes are in general lighter than regular safety shoes. They are also very beneficial for professionals who have to pass through metal d e t e c t o r s s e v e r a l t i m e s a d a y .
2. I n d u s t r i e s : A s s e m b l y , A u t o m o t i v e , C a t e r i n g , C l e a n i n g , L o g i s t i c s , I n d u s t r y E n v i r o n m e n t s : D r y e n v i r o n m e n t , E x t r e m e s l i p p e r y s u r f a c e s , W e t e n v i r o n m e n t M a i n t e n a n c e i n s t r u c t i o n s : T o e x t e n d t h e l i f e o f y o u r s h o e s , w e r e c o m m e n d t o c l e a n t h e m r e g u l a r l y a n d t o p r o t e c t t h e m w i t h a d e q u a t e p r o d u c t s . D o n o t d r y y o u r s h o e s o n a r a d i a t o r , n o r n e a r b y a h e a t s o u r c e . D e s c r i p t i o n M e a s u r e u n i t R e s u l t EN ISO 20345 Upper M i c r o fi b e r Upper: permeability to water vapor mg/cm²/h 8.20 ≥ 0.8 U p p e r : w a t e r v a p o r c o e f f i c i e n t mg/cm² 68 ≥ 15 Lining Mesh Lining: permeability to water vapor mg/cm²/h 60.62 ≥ 2 L i n i n g : w a t e r v a p o r c o e f f i c i e n t mg/cm² 485 ≥ 20 F o o t b e d S J f o a m f o o t b e d Footbed: abrasion resistance (dry/wet) (cycles) cycles Dry 25600 c y c l e s / W e t 12800 cycles 25600/12800 Outsole B A S F P U / B A S F P U Outsole abrasion resistance (volume loss) mm³ 127mm³ (Density:1.09g/ cm³) ≤ 150 Basic Slip resistance - Ceramic + NaLS - Forward heel slip friction 0.33 ≥ 0.31 Basic Slip resistance - Ceramic + NaLS - Backward forepart slip friction 0.42 ≥ 0.36 SR Slip resistance - Ceramic + glycerin - Forward heel slip friction 0.22 ≥ 0.19 SR Slip resistance - Ceramic + glycerin - Backward forepart slip friction 0.25 ≥ 0.22 Antistatic value MegaOhm 31.5 0.1 - 1000 ESD value MegaOhm 21 0.1 - 100 Heel energy absorption J 31 ≥ 20 T o e c a p Nano Carbon Impact resistance toecap (clearance after impact 100J) mm N/A N/A Compression resistance toecap (clearance after compression 10kN) mm N/A N/A Impact resistance toecap (clearance after impact 200J) mm 15.5 ≥ 14 Compression resistance toecap (clearance after compression 15kN) mm 21.0 ≥ 14 Sample size: 42 O u r s h o e s a r e c o n s t a n t l y e v o l v i n g , t h e t e c h n i c a l d a t a a b o v e m a y c h a n g e . A l l p r o d u c t n a m e s a n d b r a n d S a f e t y J o g g e r , a r e r e g i s t e r e d a n d m a y n o t b e u s e d o r r e p r o d u c e d i n any format, without written consent from us.
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